Friday 22 March 2013

WE HAVE TO DO A self editing



Today is Sara's group to present their forum because last week we did not enought time to  get one more forum from their group. So this today, their groups will present their forum.
Sara's groups will give a discussion about using and  their effect by using a plastic bag.So, Sara is as a host and unfortunately there are only two panel in their groups becaause Syafiqah Azmi cannot come to class because she is having a period pain..Poor to her..But,the forum are still going smoothly..Congrate to  them...When they are talk about an effects about using a plastic bags, Suddently I think that our peoples have to reduce using plastic bags because it truly take more than 100 years to  expired..WoW!!!!  0_0 It take a long time..Hmm Maybe in our university we can provide more bin recycle in front of our college so, the student will throw away their trash into bin recycle..hihi So it will encouraged students about to think about our dying world.hihi..

sara's groups..

After they finished their forum,now Miss Zu give us a  piece of paper that have variety of colours. She give us  that paper depent on what type of essay that we are done. Eika and I are get an orange colour of paper same with Izat and Wasim because  we are doing a same type of essay.the whole class get a blue paper..hihi Now Miss Zu want us to checked our draft essay that  we are done it..We have to checked it based on the questions that are given in that orange paper and each of group have a 3 pieces of paper which is an orange colur we have self editing and perer editing and in a blue paper we have checked others group essay which is same with our types of essay.
At the same time we have to finished up to doing a references..She want us to quickly finished it.hihi we will do our best..

I think that all for today and I will see you for another day..Bye!!!


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